I fucking love shemales, but I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I could take one up the as. I’d love to have them suck my dick. I can’t imagine how good it would feel to have their pretty lips wrapped around my cock. Part of me imagines that they are especially good at it considering they have a lady cock of their own. There has to be some home field advantage right? I sometimes even imagine that I would go down on them. How would it feel to have them grow hard and throbbing inside of your mouth? Of course, I’d happily pound their tight little asses. I’ve just never been big on anything in my own ass. But when it come to the abes at TS Playground, I wouldn’t tell them no no matter what they wanted to do with me.
When you use this 81% off discount to TS Playground and see just how hot the chicks are here, you’ll understand what I mean. These are the sexiest and most feminine shemales I’ve ever seen. Ou get them in stunning HD footage where they let their wild side come out to play. You even get the entire Evil Angel network at no added cost.